Ali Abbas Ottawa

How Long Will Your House Should Last?



Writer & Blogger

  • How long your shingles last depends on the quality of the shingles.
  • Most asphalt shingles last 20-25 years and are guaranteed for 35 years (except in areas with high winds, such as hurricanes).
  • Fibreglass, which has been around since the 1970s, is more durable than asphalt but can’t be used on steep roofs because it doesn’t hold up well in icy conditions.

Brick & Stone Exteriors

Brick and stone exteriors should last 50-100 years. But there are a few things that you can do to help keep your house looking great for as long as possible.

First, get it from a reputable supplier if you’re building with brick or stone. Many companies sell cheap bricks with low-quality mortar mix, which will only last a while. Don’t stick with crumbling bricks in 20 years!

Second, use durable materials inside of your home as well. For example: if it’s worth buying expensive furniture because it’ll last longer than the cheaper stuff. Why not buy quality windows and doors? The same goes for any other part of the house. Invest in quality products that will last longer than their less expensive counterparts.


Concrete is a popular choice for foundations, driveways, patios and sidewalks. It can also be used to make garage floors.

You’ll need to research independently to do concrete work for any other part of your home.

Wood Framing

You’re probably familiar with wood frame houses. They have a frame made of 2x4s or 2x6s, and the walls are typically filled with drywall or plywood. It is the most common method of framing in the US and is also one of the oldest. It was used as far back as Roman times—although they didn’t use plywood or drywall back then! Instead, they used stone and mortar for their walls.

Wood framing has been around for so long because it’s cheap to build with. And easy to repair if something goes wrong. In addition, it can last 50-60 years if properly maintained (much longer than if you live in California like me).

Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows are a good choice for longevity. Their lifespan is estimated to be between 20 and 25 years, which is okay.

While you might think that vinyl windows need replacing every few years, this is only sometimes the case. If properly maintained, they can last much longer than their initial estimate. If your vinyl windows show signs of wear or look dated – it’s time to replace them!

Replacing vinyl windows is easy enough. However, you should consider various factors before hiring a window replacement company like ours here at [company name].

Plumbing Systems

Plumbing systems are the source of many emergency calls to repairers. While plumbing systems may be expensive to replace, it can be more costly to allow a problem to persist for too long. Plumbing problems can range from leaks in your pipes that create mould and mildew, clogs that cause flooding, or even severe structural damage caused by rusting pipes.

While some plumbing problems are simple fixes (like replacing a faucet), others require the expertise and experience of a plumber who understands how all the pieces fit together. In addition, many plumbing issues take specialized equipment or knowledge to fix correctly; this is why it’s essential to hire an expert who knows what they’re doing instead of trying to tackle these problems on your own!

Plumbing issues also need regular maintenance so that they stay manageable over time. For example, if your toilet seat is loose or leaking any water under it when flushing, there could be more significant problems below, so call professionals immediately!

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are an essential part of any home, but they’re also one of the most expensive to repair. If you have an older system, it may not be worth fixing it anymore. Furnaces last about 15-20 years on average; if yours is older than that and you haven’t had any problems with it or significant repairs have been done recently, then it’s likely time to replace it before something breaks down completely.

When checking your HVAC system’s age, look at the serial number (on most models, this can be found on a sticker somewhere on the unit). Most manufacturers will stamp these numbers into their products so that customers know when they were built. And thus how long they might last before needing replacement parts or other maintenance work performed on them later down the road.

Is there no obvious way for someone selling used homes in Texas to tell whether there are issues with their heating systems by looking inside? So how does someone who wants to buy old houses get around this problem?

Here’s how various long parts of your house should last.

Your roof should last a long, long time. The American Society of Home Inspectors recommends that roofs have at least 30 years before they need to be replaced. However, if you’re getting into the upper end of that range (say 40 or 50 years). And your roof still looks good, you only need to replace it if you want to update the style or colour. The roof is part to check how the house should last.

On average, brick and stone exteriors should last about 50–100 years before needing work done on them. But this can vary depending on where you live and how well-maintained your home is overall. Concrete siding tends to hold up well for about the same time as brick and stone exteriors. Though again: location matters here too! For example, suppose your home is in an area with a lot of extreme weather, like hurricanes or tornadoes. In that case, concrete may not be suitable since these types of natural disasters can cause significant damage to these types of structures over time when exposed directly over long periods without any protection (like metal flashing).

Wood framing materials tend to last between 50–100 years. Depending on how much exposure they have received throughout their lifespan thus far.

The bottom line? Your home is a significant investment, so it’s worth knowing how various long parts of your house should last. To ensure that your house will last for many years in good shape. It’s essential to invest in high-quality materials when building or remodelling.


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